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Matthew 25: 37-40 reads “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?  When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

This passage leads me to very challenging question. Do we see the face of Jesus himself in the faces of helpless people? The only way for this happen is through the work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and lives.  Even though this is the work of the Spirit, we can actively seek out this kind of love for “the least of these brothers and sisters”.  How?  Through daily prayer and serving the needs of strangers.  

Make it part of your daily prayer to ask God for a greater love for everyone in your community.  If this is something you truly desire, ask God for his help.  “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” John 14:14  

Take some time each month to serve the needs of someone that you don’t know.  By doing so, you will start to see these people as image bearers of Christ rather than just someone you meet while walking the streets of Waupun.

The purpose of SERVE Waupun is three-fold. First, it is our desire to meet the physical needs of those in our community that cannot help themselves.  While many of us can help ourselves of have many friends and family that would help us as needed, so many people in our community do not have that type of support. Second, we want the Christians in our community to see the face of Jesus in the faces of helpless people. Third, by doing projects with Christians from others churches, you will be able to build community through the new friendships that are developed.

Mike Vander Berg
SERVE Waupun Coordinator

PROJECT TYPES - What kinds of projects can I choose from?

>> Landscaping & garden work
>> Home improvement 
>> House cleaning
>> Friendly visits

TIME COMMITMENT - How much time will this take?

Most projects take 1-2 hours.  We would love to have you sign up for one of these projects per month but even if you can only do 2 projects per year, we value your assistance!

“ONE Waupun is a great resource in our community. The volunteers of ONE Waupun have helped many senior citizens with home repairs, outdoor yard projects, home cleaning, moving, and more. The services that ONE Waupun can provide are reliable and done in a timely manner with care in mind.” 
Rachel Kaminski
Waupun Senior Center Director

“ONE Waupun has such a heart to help our community, from putting on garage door openers to new floors, as well as helping people move when there are no other resources. They are there to give people encouragement in the way of helping hands. And the comments we hear are nothing but good! The Food Pantry is thankful for a new screen door this fall, the old one was just falling apart and we sure needed it. When someone has a need, I know a call or text is all it takes to get these men of good character to help. I am so thankful for this local ministry. Thank you.”
Terri Respalje
Waupun Food Pantry Directo

“ONE Waupun graciously made an idea come to life when they repurposed an unused area in an old locker room. They literally built it from the ground up (framing, dry-wall, painting, flooring), which we now use weekly for meetings and student leadership groups. ONE Waupun created a space that makes the students feel like they are worth it.” 
Jess Niemeyer
Youth for Christ, City Life Director

Women & Men Needed

Even though ONE Waupun is a men’s ministry, we have several women that are a part of our volunteer network.  As the needs in Waupun continue to grow, we are in need of more women and men that have the desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus in Waupun, Fox Lake and Alto. 

Volunteer Signup

If you have not already signed up as a volunteer and feel that you can be used by God as a SERVE Waupun volunteer, be sure to fill out this short form.

Service Request Form

If you would like to request help in one of the following areas, please fill out this short form.

>> Landscaping & garden work
>> Home improvement 
>> House cleaning
>> Friendly visits